Spring 2011 Projects
Color Mixing Experiment
Color Mixing Experiment
Project Goal: To learn how to control and mix colors. To also learn the language of color.
The how to:
- Get long piece of white paper and put your name and the title of the project on it.
- Make four 4” squares that are 1” apart (see the example below).
- Label below each of the square Primary Colors, Secondary Colors, Neutral Colors/Black, White, and Gray, and Tertiary Colors.
- Get a plate for mixing paint and put your name on the back.
- Paint in each square as follows:
• Primary Colors: Red, Yellow, Blue, and Tints & Shades of each color.
• Secondary Colors: Orange, Purple (Violet), Green, and Tints & Shades of each color.
• Neutral Colors/Black, White, and Gray: Browns (by mixing 2 complementary colors together), Black, White, Grays, and Tints & Shades of Brown.
• Tertiary Colors: Blue-Green, Yellow-Green, Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, and Tints & Shades of each color.
- Each 4” square needs to be filled in completely, so mix several Tints and Shades of each color.
- Be able to talk about the colors you mixed and how you got them. Make sure you know the language of color.
- Have fun with this, but make sure to control your brush!
How you will be graded:
10 points for making four 4” squares 1” apart using a ruler (straight lines)
10 points for correctly labeling each square
10 points for completely filling in each square with the correct colors for that square
10 points for painting with skill, neatness, good craftsmanship, and care
For a grand total of 40 points for this project.
Abstract Portrait Painting
Project Goal: To learn to control paint, mix colors, and how to draw/paint realistically adding some personal style through abstraction.
In simple terms, abstracting art is like using skill, realism, and your imagination to make something new and amazing!
The how to:
- Find a picture of a person you want to paint. It should be an up close view of the face and shoulders.
- Make an abstract sketch of that person, changing what you see by adding some personal style. Think of the picture you are sketching from as just a starting point.
- Show your sketch to Mrs. Shepherd.
- Get a piece of final paper, pick a color scheme, and begin your painting. You may lightly sketch your person first using pencil.
- Complete your final portrait painting with skill, neatness, good craftsmanship, and care. Make it marvelous!!
How you will be graded:
10 points for your portrait sketch
30 points for knowing your color scheme, painting completely, and mixing your colors.
30 points for adding texture and details
30 points for completing your final portrait drawing with skill, neatness, good craftsmanship, and care.
For a grand total of 100 points for this project.
Mrs. Shepherd's Examples:
Color Mixing Experiment
Abstract Portait Painting